Rules for: ============================================================================== LIN_SYSOP ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Echo Topic: Linear Network SysOp and Co-SysOp discussion's Rules: 1) This Echo is For Linear Network Sysops & Co-SysOps ONLY. And it is Mandatory for all nodes to take it. 2) Discussions Need to stay on Linear Network topics Only. No other Networks Should Be Discussed in this Echo. 3) Posts on what Needs to be Changed in the Linear Network Are MOST welcome And will not be Disreguarded by Myself. 4) Personal Attacks and "Flames" do not belong in here. 5) This Echo is restricted to 1 SysOp and 2 Co-SysOps per BBS. (One Co-SysOp is Prefered) These rules Can and Will be Changed as the Moderator see's fit. Bryan Turner Linear Network NC Lin_Sysop Moderator ============================================================================== ============================================================================== LIN_BRE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1. All discussions of SR Games products (BRE/FE/SRE), utilities, leagues, or related information is on topic. Any discussion of "other" games, leagues, nets, or general chit-chat is structly prohibited!! 2. The "Golden Rule" is in effect here! Treat others as you would have them treat you. No Flames or profanity will be tolerated. Dicussion of the operation or moderation of this echo is also stricly prohibited! ============================================================================== ============================================================================== LIN_SWAP ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Hello Everyone! This is LIN_SWAP, or The LinearNet Swap Meet. It's purpose is to allow LinearNet Nodes and their users an access point for SELLING, BUYING or TRADING goods or services. The Rules are as follows: 1.) The messages entered into LIN_SWAP must contain SOME form of barter; I.E., BUYING, SELLING or TRADING of GOODS or SERVICES. Questions regarding these GOODS or SERVICES are fine as long as it doesn't develop into a debate about the product. 2.) Messages denouncing another's GOODS or SERVICES will not be tolerated. If you can get it cheaper elsewhere, fine, get it elsewhere. Don't post a message to everyone stating: "HEY... DON'T BUY JOE'S SNOWBLOWER.... PETE HAS IT FOR HALF HIS PRICE...." This message will be considered off topic. However, if "PETE" advertises his snowblower for 1/2 of Joe's asking price, well then, that's free enterprise. 3.) All GOODS and SERVICES advertised in LIN_SWAP must conform to the regulations of INTERSTATE COMMERCE. Any illegal trading will not be tolerated in this echo. Drugs, Prostitution, Get Rich Quick Schemes and Firearm sales will not be tolerated. Firearms are a touchy subject, and while I wish that everyone could carry them, state laws vary so much that it would be best left out. 4.) No Flaming or Name-Calling. If you have a problem with a product or service provided, try to resolve it civilly. The echo will not be used as a customer complaints department. Remember, you get what you pay for. That brings us to No. 5..... 5.) Fraudulent or misleading ads will not be tolerated. If you have a '286 motherboard for sale, don't tell someone it's a '386 MB, etc. Be truthful in your ads. If you're not sure of the status of an item state so. If you state "guaranteed to be NOT-DOA", it better work. If an individual is found to be soliciting fraudulently, then I will ask the SYSOP of the origin of the post to disallow this individual to post. 6.) Have Fun. Mike Boger Moderator of LIN_SWAP ============================================================================== ============================================================================== LIN_LORD ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ ÚÄÄÄ¿ÚÄÄÄ¿ÚÄÄÄ¿ÚÄÄÄ¿ÚÄÄÄ¿ÚÄÄÄ¿ÚÄÄÄ¿ÚÄÄÄ¿ÚÄÄÄ¿ÚÄÄÄ¿ÚÄÄÄ¿ÚÄÄÄ¿ ³ L ³³ o ³³ r ³³ d ³³ / ³³ L ³³ o ³³ r ³³ d ³³ n ³³ e ³³ t ³ ÀÄÄÄÙÀÄÄÄÙÀÄÄÄÙÀÄÄÄÙÀÄÄÄÙÀÄÄÄÙÀÄÄÄÙÀÄÄÄÙÀÄÄÄÙÀÄÄÄÙÀÄÄÄÙÀÄÄÄÙ RULES AND REGULATIONS OF THIS CONFERANCE ---------------------------------------- 1) Anything Pertaining to Lord or Lordnet goes, and yes that includes all IGM's. 2) Abusive, Cussing or Sexual content of any kind is not allowed in any sort way or manner. This conferance is available to all which include children that can see it. 3) This Conferance is not kept to discussions about Linearnet games only, any game from any NET is allowed here to be discussed fully and in depth. 4) All messages must be public messages for all to read, if you or your sysop allows private messages please have him/her change there bbs config, it does no one any good on your bbs to not see the messages. Besides, anyone can read the message anyways once it is tossed out to the mail machine and recieved to the other bbs's in this net. 5) Please keep off topic items to a very minimum, I am very easy going and will not say anything unless it keeps up for too long of a time. Saying hello to your Mother is fine by me unless it turns into a 3-4 day chit chat session. 6) Most of all have fun, give out any help that you possibly can to the people that need it and spread the word about Linearnet. Great net and lots of fun. Glen O'Gorman Lin_Lord Moderater. 121:2110/301 ============================================================================== ============================================================================== LIN_ROCKS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ LIN_ROCKS: The Rules Introduction: This file is meant to describe the (mostly)simple rules for the LIN_ROCKS echomail conference. It is moderated by myself, Kevin Berry. The Topic: Anything related to modern music which means anykind of music made since the advent of Rock 'n Roll(excluding classical.) Oh, and you can post while nekkid, too! What's not allowed: flame raids, mail bombs, excessive language, excessive quoting of Bible scripture or proselytizing, and ads not remotely related to modern music. This area is open access to SysOps, point operators, and users as long as they follow the above rules. Also: All pertinent sections of LinearNet apply where applicable. ============================================================================== ============================================================================== LIN_CHAT ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Welcome to LIN_Chat. A good place to come for Lighthearted and somewhat Adult Chatter and nonsense. You can also catch the latest Jokes, News and General Announcements. This echo is open to Sysops and Users alike. Le Rulz: (or "Lil' Deb's Top Ten list) 1. No profanity. 2. No flaming, or derogatory statement about anyone allowed. 3. Light adult discussions are on-topic. 4. BBS Ads may be posted to introduce new boards to LinearNet. 5. Handles are allowed in general, but real names are also allowed. 6. Flirting with the moderator is encouraged. 7. Posting in the nude is optional. 8. *ANY* post by Rabbit is always on topic. 9. All taglines are subject to cruel testing on cute furry animals. 10. And above all, just have a good time. Lessons for Light Adult Material. 1. You never blatenly describe said adult material. 2. You do give hints and inuendo's. If they can't figure it out then they need to attend my class on "Adult Sex 101". 3. Pet names are incouraged for various body parts. 4. Descriptions should be tasteful done. (perferably chocolate) 5. Above all keep in mind that there are several people here that are under age and subject to corruption. If you remember to keep things light-hearted and not serious then Light Adult material can be alot of fun and safe. If you are offended by any post or wish to contact me for any reason. You are more than welcome to contact me VIA Netmail at the address below. Debbie Savage La Moderator ==============================================================================